
Monday 29 May 2017


Blackheads - Causes

Following these blackheads removal techniques can help in keeping your skin clean and fresh! Blackheads are usually something that teenagers have to deal with growing up, although sometimes they will continue to cause concern and embarrassment into adulthood.

Fortunately blackheads are fairly easy to deal with, and as such blackheads removal can become another part of a morning routine before going out to school or work. Equally its a process that some prefer to carry out in the evening before retiring to bed. In order to understand how to get rid of blackheads, it is important to understand why they have appeared and how to safely remove them avoiding reddening, inflammation or infection.

Although poor hygiene was once thought to be the cause of blackheads, they are actually caused by a perfectly normal bodily function the production of sebaceous oils. Poor hygiene can however make the appearance of blackheads worse, and good hygiene and attentive skin care with a blackhead removal tool can resolve the issue.

When there is an excess of sebaceous oils produced by the body, the sebum can accumulate in the sebaceous glands ducts where it quickly darkens to a yellow colour as it is exposed to the air. From the surface of the skin, the colour is darkened as light reflects from the surface and duct of the blocked follicle, giving it a black appearance. It is this small black bump that is referred to as a blackhead.

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Blackhead Removal Solution

Discover the Best Blackhead Removal Solution

Blackhead removal is an important part of the grooming process of your face. Everyone faces a blackhead problem, but those with oily skins are prone to it even more. Awareness about blackheads and blackhead removal is of paramount importance if you want your face to look clean and fresh at all times.Checkout blackhead mask NZ for more info.

So what are blackheads? Before you go for blackhead removal, you must be able to identify blackheads. Also, known as comedones, the formation of blackhead takes place when sebum, secreted by the sebaceous glands gets trapped inside the pores of your skin. This thickens and expands the pore and hardens it into a plug-like form. The process of oxidation blackens this plug-like sebum, hence the name blackheads. Blackhead removal is essentially a process of cleansing the skin and allowing your skin pores to breathe again. They are commonly found on the sides of the nostrils, chin and also on the forehead. Even the tip of your nose can sport ugly looking blackheads, making the removal of blackheads absolutely essential.

Blackhead removal – Using steam: To remove blackheads easily, it’s important that you soften your face. This can be done by using steam. The process to remove blackheads becomes very easy if you steam your face as it will open up the pores on your face. This will help you get rid of your blackheads easily and conveniently.

Black head removal – The hot shower approach: Another way of removing blackheads is softening the skin by taking a hot shower. Make sure that you focus on targeting the hot water on your face. The pressure of the water and its temperature will open up the pores of your skin. Once you have had your shower, dry your face gently. Your face will now be soft, helping you push the blackheads gently out of your skin.

Using cleansing creams: There is a range of topical creams that help you in blackhead removal. Many of these creams have salicylic acid as their primary ingredient, which helps you remove the dead skin cells from your skin. Some other creams that can help your blackhead removal plans are glycolic peels.

Using blackhead extractors: Blackhead removal can be accomplished by using a blackhead remover or extractor. This extractor is in the form of a long metal pen. There are holes at either ends of this pen. All you need to do is place it over the blackhead and press it down. The applied pressure can help you dislodge the blackhead.